Nest swiftlet

Swallow nest is one of the drugs and also can be used for cosmetic ingredients, swallow nest has many criteria or class. The highest class has a high value as well. One of the swiftlet nest producers who have a high selling price is Paser Grogot or district that is located in the eastern end of the Indonesian provinces of Kalimantan.

As one of the producers of swiftlet nests, mostly Grogot land area is forest, is maintaining the quality of the swallow nest. Through several methods such as swiftlet farms were built to resemble a house that will be inhabited by swallows.

Most of the population are farmers Grogot soil, the climate is perfect for cultivating swallow heavily utilized local residents to raise swallow with superior quality. However, prior to the sale and purchase of the swallow's nest, the population had experienced difficulties to sell their crops.

With the information media such as blogs and some other media, local residents began to successfully develop and sell their produce to buyers. To buy their harvest would have to meet in person in order to see and judge the product being sold so that there is no mutual feeling in lie

For more details, readers and buyers who want to see immediate results of the harvest swallow, can contact the following


Elah bali said...

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